"KWAN 2.0" The mental health and autism charity token. @t.me/Bpm002
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The Barry Mezey Foundation For Autism, Inc. (BMFA) is a 501(c)3 non -profit public charity and a non-accredited and registered disability rights organization with the United Nations - NGO Branch. Founded by upcoming autistic sports and celebrity marketing super agent and publicist to the stars Mr. Barry Mezey https://mezeyholdings.com KWAN 2.0 is the world's first special needs, mental health and autism based charity utility token that creates advocacy, awareness, and provides jobs, counseling, housing, meals and other needed services for those living with special needs as well as a feel good emphasis and content driven interactive experience for it's token holders. Sales from the KWAN 2.0 utility token interactive experience will be used to pay our content creators in KWAN 2.0 and produce and distribute documentaries and/ or original series about the daily lives of those living with special needs as well as provide housing, meals, counseling and advocacy services.
These original series, life experiences and documentary films will be broadcasted and distributed through Roku, Roundtable Media Network, RAD TV and Vimeo OTT Channel B1GBTV https://www.b1gb.tv and on all major streaming platforms such as Google TV, Apple TV, Android TV, iOS, Android, PS5, X-Box Live, RAD TV, Ample Points, as well as sold as NFT's and distributed to 30M+ smart devices on RAD TV, across over 2 Million hotels and 200 major airlines by creating a job opportunity for those with special needs to be paid in our KWAN 2.0 utility token for their engaging and entertaining content plus residual lifetime advertising income to our content creators. BMFA also offers people with special needs the ability to design their own artwork based NFT's for sale to the general public by presenting their unique life experiences through freedom of personalized expression. KWAN 2.0 and the BMFA also are always seeking to partner with various disability rights organizations, professional handicapped sports tours, handicapped sports federations, and sponsor professional athletes from around the world on mental health and disability rights advocacy.
KWAN 2.0 is a utility rewards token offering our token holders a feel good emphasis for purchasing our token on centralized exchanges and/ or as a reward for donations to the BMFA. In addition, KWAN 2.0 has the official endorsement and is thoroughly vetted by the crypto chamber of commerce, Miami-Dade County chamber of commerce, Broward County chamber of commerce, South Florida chamber of commerce and Women's chamber
of commerce. http://www.cryptochamber.com to learn more about the crypto chamber of commerce. The KWAN 2.0 token independent advisory committee consists of some of the most powerful and knowledgeable business people in celebrity marketing, show business, NFTs, cryptocurrency, real estate development and finance worldwide including iconic talent Barry Mezey, Jason Touhey, Thomas Kramer, Joe Cawley, Nyhl Henson, Pixie Paula Dezzutti.
Finally, BMFA has partnered with https://www.zeusxpay.io and https://www.shopwithcrypto.io for what was once considered our much needed missing utility at KWAN 2.0 to provide a peer-to-peer utility payment solutions service to over 480,000+ national merchants including iconic brands such as (i.e. eBay, Amazon, Carabas, Morton's Steakhouse, Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, Princess Cruise Lines, Celebrity Cruise Lines, Home Depot, Delta Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Yardhouse, CVS, Etc.) BMFA is also a charity affiliate of https://www.cryptoforcharity.io as well as
https://careasy.org/nonprofit/barry-mezey-foundation-for-autism-inc for real estate, plane, vehicle and boat donations which enjoy their own tax-write off incentives while making a lasting social impact.
Value Proposition:
KWAN2 Holdings, LLC./ Barry Mezey Foundation For Autism, Inc. helps people with autism and mental health challenges find creative employment and affordable housing through tokenization of digital and physical assets. Our tokenization process allows people to monetize digital assets and own affordable housing so they can have financial and physical freedom.
The Solution
KWAN2 Holdings, LLC./ Barry Mezey Foundation For Autism, Inc. fixes the 97% unemployment rate gap by creating affordable housing and advocacy services for those with autism and special needs utilizing tokenization of content creator jobs in NFT's, Web3/ Web2 and tokenization of real estate to raise capital and house people with special needs.
The 5 Why's:
Who? Autism population Where? United States When? Now Why? 97% unemployment rate and 1 in every 29 people diagnosed daily with autism.
Five why’s waterfall:
(KWAN2) Token fixes the five why’s of “who cares” because “we simply care to change the world for the better as generally people are driven by creating greater good and social impact as what separates human instinct from animals is a - Conscience.”
1) Social Impact
2) Advocacy & Change
3) Making A Difference
4) Increased Jobs
5) Increased Revenues & Increased Profitability
KWAN 2.0 is a global verified cryptocurrency on the Binance Blockchain with 100,000,000,000 tokens minted and only 100,000,000 tokens of KWAN 2.0 are available and authorized for initial purchase. KWAN 2.0 is a lifetime token. Enjoy KWAN 2.0 which means "Oneness", "family, love, respect", and "coin." Finally, here is KWAN 2.0 a token with a special needs community charitable purpose behind it operated and ran by a Florida licensed public charity.
Purchase KWAN 2.0 to create a difference in the lives of those with special needs to create advocacy, jobs and awareness of mental illness and autism. A percentage of the value of each token sold on cryptocurrency exchanges goes directly to charity to create a job opportunity, advocacy services for someone with special needs and to cover budget expenses for KWAN 2.0 token and BMFA. KWAN 2.0 is under the umbrella of the Florida based licensed small charitable private foundation the Barry Mezey Foundation For Autism, Inc. and is a global recognized charity by the State of Florida. Buying KWAN 2.0 counts as a recognized charitable contribution by the IRS only if your business or you personally pay U.S. taxes. We are a recognized Florida licensed non-profit small charitable organization. KWAN 2.0 is available for purchase today. There is no purchasing limits per purchaser, international purchasers, hedge funds, exchanges, and venture capital funds of KWAN 2.0. Contact us to learn more today.
We want to bridge the gap between the cryptocurrency market and everyday consumers. We’ll transition KWAN 2.0 into the mainstream by removing barriers to access and by building trust in our vision for the future of cryptocurrency.
Token and NFTs packages are available to purchasers, international purchasers, international exchanges, hedge funds, venture capital funds now. Only 100,000,000 tokens are authorized for initial sale. Venture Capital Funds, Exchanges, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity Funds please contact us for special bulk discounted pricing quotes.
When will KWAN 2.0 trading begin? KWAN 2.0 is available for sale now only on foreign exchanges. The current supply market cap of KWAN 2.0 is $100,000,000,000.00. KWAN 2.0 is promoted by coin lean https://www.coinlean.com/coin/kwan/ and is now available at purchase on https://infusecex.io a p2p cex incubator exchange via order book and members only global cryptocurrency and NFT lifestyle community as well as available to purchasers outside the United States on https://tokpie.com and https://www.coininn.com as well as https://www.zeusxpay.io as a payments utility token for goods and services worldwide. KWAN 2.0 is listed on Coin Codex, Coinpare, Coin Checkup, Live Coin Watch and more for full transparency. Coin Codex: https://coincodex.com/crypto/kwan-2-0/
KWAN 2.0 NFTs Shop: https://opensea.io/kwan2token
KWAN2 is also available via ZeusX Pay now for use at your favorite U.S. based merchants in over 480,000 locations around the United States. KWAN2 is automatically converted into gift card transactions at your favorite retailers. https://www.zeusxpay.io and is coming soon to Shop With Crypto apps https://www.shopwithcrypto.io as well as https://ZeusX.io DEX
Phase 1
Website/Social Media
Phase 2
Phase 3
Full Launch: Exchange Listing
Phase 4
Apply for CMC and Coin Gecko listings
Phase 5
Initial Marketing through Social Media / Coinzilla / Etc.
Phase 6
Initial CEX listing
Phase 7
CEX Development Begins
Phase 8
Intense Marketing Wave
Phase 9
Additional CEX listings
Phase 10
KWAN DEX; Ether, BTC, USDT and BNB Bridge incorporation
Phase 11
APP rollout
Phase 12
Launching of KWAN 2.0 on CEX
Phase 13
KWAN 2.0 Credit Card Development with CEX
Our Smart Chain Contract promotes actual assurance and insurance for the growth for our holders.
Reflections and Liquidity added with every transaction.
Develop an exchange bridge with Dex Site.
A reliable use case of KWAN is a consistent priority per our roadmap goals.
Centralized exchange is planned in the mid range goals for KWAN 2.0.
KWAN 2.0 is a cryptocurrency token deployed on the BNB Chain / BSC. It has a hard cap of 100 billion tokens minted with 100 billion tokens available and authorized. KWAN2 is a utility token proposed for the special needs community. Its mission is to create a difference in the lives of those with special needs through advocacy, job creation and enhanced awareness of mental illness and autism. It is operated and ran under the umbrellas of The Barry Mezey Foundation, a licensed small charitable non-profit organization and a for profit Florida limited liability company in KWAN2 Holdings, LLC.
The team plans on splitting the tokens up into these five categories:
Accredited Investors: Through 20% of the reserves on KWAN 2.0 accredited investors will make their money back plus potential profits in an ROI through membership units sold in equity in KWAN2 Holdings, LLC as a form of accredited investment as well as tokenized securities of tangible assets in real estate, NFTs, entertainment and media properties, and much more. The units are sold at $5,000.00 USD each with a total of 5,000 units available for sale under accredited investment via SEC approved Regulation D rule (506c) private securities offering. The accredited investors will own equity in KWAN2 Holdings, LLC. which will in return own the licensing rights to entertainment content in original series and films as well as a streaming channel on all major streaming platforms potentially available to over 20 Million paid subscribers and in over 3 Million hotels and 200+ airlines on demand as well as in real estate in affordable housing ownership opportunities which will rent rooms by the month to the independent autistic population of Florida via housing voucher payments via a tokenized securities offering.
The real estate properties have various tax saving and deduction benefits and can be flipped for a profit every three years accordingly. Accredited investors will also receive a thank you gift in a rewards utility token on KWAN 2.0 popularity on major CEX exchanges as the price of the token potentially increases over time through liquidity of the token, daily trading volume and the tokens popularity in KWAN 2.0. Current pairings are KWAN2/ USDT on Tokpie Exchange, NSAVx Exchange and contracts are signed for listing KWAN 2.0 on Toobit and Dex-Trade CEX exchanges which are top CEX exchanges. KWAN 2.0 has offers from P2B, Coin Store, LBank, DIFX, Etc.. in many more top 100 CEX Exchanges worldwide to be paired with USDT, BTC, USD in pairings. KWAN 2.0 is available through KWAN2 Holdings, LLC./ BMFA to accredited investors and/ or charity donors only and is included in your investment purchase in each $5,000.00 USD membership unit solely as a thank you gift as a reward for your purchase of membership units. There is no expectation of profits or investment offerings in the KWAN 2.0 utility token. There will also be other major opportunities in the works down the line as well to increase your investment potential on ROI.
Barry Mezey is the CEO of Mezey Holdings, DBA. a global recognized leader in branding/ partnerships/ holdings. Often referred to as the #1 young gun top brand management agent in the business by sports and Web3 writers at publications such as Sports Illustrated, Brickell Magazine, Block Bytes Media, Crypto Magazine, Crypto Hipster Podcast
Barry Mezey is the CEO of Mezey Holdings, DBA. a global recognized leader in branding/ partnerships/ holdings. Often referred to as the #1 young gun top brand management agent in the business by sports and Web3 writers at publications such as Sports Illustrated, Brickell Magazine, Block Bytes Media, Crypto Magazine, Crypto Hipster Podcast, and Tennis-Prose.Com. Barry is an icon as a social influencer on instagram, LinkedIn, discord, CBS, and iheart radio, vimeo, roku with over 10 Million loyal followers and is the leading global marketer to the top stars in sports and influencers worldwide. Barry is also the founder of the Barry Mezey Foundation For Autism, Inc. and the cryptocurrency (KWAN2) Token. (KWAN2) is a new cryptocurrency token that focuses on creating mental health and autism jobs, advocacy and social impact awareness. Barry got his start as a marketing agent at SMWW agency in 2006 and quickly garnered a leading industry reputation for his strong people skills in the craft of negotiations, client relations, client recruitment, being a go-getter and a true hustler doing business deals for the clients he manages every day. In addition, Barry has successfully negotiated and procured many lucrative client valued royalty or monetary incentive: sponsorship, personal appearance, product line, content distribution and licensing contracts in only 14 years of being a athlete and entertainment marketer and has worked with an elite portfolio of over 1000+ global client's totaling a combined net worth of over $3 Billion. Barry is the first well-known upcoming leading athlete marketer to ever use facebook, myspace, instagram, twitter, linkedin, and other social media outlets as a way of innovation to market and brand client's as well as use such social media mediums for client recruitment since 2004 while a college student at UM. Barry is also a top upcoming digital tv superstar with his own hit comedy series on Roku and Vimeo channel B1GBTV. Barry is also the world's only autistic athlete marketer and is a global autism spokesman on social change. Barry is also a registered UN Goodwill Ambassador - NGO Branch (BMFA.) Barry is a current and active UN volunteer on human rights and mental health issues for prison and police reform. In addition, Barry is endorsed by MTV co-founder and technology pioneer Nyhl Henson as an entertainment industry "wild card." Nyhl Henson was once called "the Edison of Pay-Per-View" by entertainment industry powerhouse agency CAA. In 2022 Barry formed long term media partnerships and or became accredited media with Bitcoin Magazine, Bitcoin Conferences in Miami Beach and Amsterdam, in addition to Crypto World Con, CoinAgenda, Pulse Con, Quantum Miami, Bitcoin Energy Summit, Bitcoin Policy Institute, Immerse Global Summit, Web3 Summits, Art Miami, Bit Basel/ Scope Art Fairs, Untitled Art Fairs, and much more for B1GBTV. Barry is also a full member in good standing with the National Writers Union as a worldwide accredited media journalist (NWU.)
Nyhl Henson is driven by an intense passion in consulting for early-stage innovation and tech companies. His penchant for supporting disruptive technologies is evident in his pioneering efforts in the cable industry, most notably, in the development of major television studios, including Nickelodeon, MTV, Movie Channel and CMT. Henson als
Nyhl Henson is driven by an intense passion in consulting for early-stage innovation and tech companies. His penchant for supporting disruptive technologies is evident in his pioneering efforts in the cable industry, most notably, in the development of major television studios, including Nickelodeon, MTV, Movie Channel and CMT. Henson also served on the task force for the nation’s first two-way interactive cable system called, Qube. His efforts have brought significant advances in both the home-shopping genre, as well as shaping the Pay-Per-View markets, heralding the presentations of “The Rolling Stones”, “The Who”, and major boxing matches, including “Holmes-Cooney,” and “Leonard-Hearns.” Later, Mr. Henson became an early advocate of wireless broadband and is credited with building some of the first successful wireless broadband operations. He later established his interests in mobile 4G/LTE and has developed pioneering platforms for the future of streaming, consulting with such companies as Qualcomm, National Lampoon, Spectrumlink and Skyboxe. He also served as a consultant to Robert Kiyosaki in the development of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and is featured in Kiyosaki’s “Retire Young Retire Rich.” Henson's early career started while in graduate school at Southern Illinois University; where he was greatly influenced by resident Professor R. Buckminster Fuller, renowned Inventor and visionary. Mr. Henson serves on the Board of Directors of several profit and non-profit companies including GENI, an organization to investigate Fuller’s proposal that a global green electric energy grid can immediately and completely solve our world’s economic and ecological problems. Mr. Henson is a member of the President's Advisory Board, School of Mass Communications at Southern Illinois University.
Sought after Brand Developer and investor with a demonstrated successful history of creative platforms in the wine and spirits industry. Built the #1 distillery in SC with over 50 brands. Created Pixie Records to showcase talent in music and film. Strong entrepreneurship, unparalleled industry connections, professionally skilled in workin
Sought after Brand Developer and investor with a demonstrated successful history of creative platforms in the wine and spirits industry. Built the #1 distillery in SC with over 50 brands. Created Pixie Records to showcase talent in music and film. Strong entrepreneurship, unparalleled industry connections, professionally skilled in working with Celebrities, the Entertainment Industry, Nascar, Hospitality sector, Nonprofit Organizations, Negotiation, Business Planning, Advertising, Tax Strategies and Sales. Real estate and distillery development is taken to the next level with strategic partnerships.
Jason Touhey, is a visionary leader in merging real estate and blockchain technology. With a background in Technology and Industry Training Education from the University of Central Florida, Jason has over a decade of experience driving innovation in education and technology.
Thomas Kramer ‘TK’ is a German-born real estate developer and venture capitalist, noteworthy for his part in the redevelopment of South Beach, Miami, Florida. He is also a well-known high society figure and philanthropist, the Thomas Kramer Foundation is his main charitable vehicle.
Thomas Kramer entered the Miami real estate
Thomas Kramer ‘TK’ is a German-born real estate developer and venture capitalist, noteworthy for his part in the redevelopment of South Beach, Miami, Florida. He is also a well-known high society figure and philanthropist, the Thomas Kramer Foundation is his main charitable vehicle.
Thomas Kramer entered the Miami real estate market in the early 90s, purchasing large portions of South Pointe, the southern tip of South Beach, for $45 million. Prior to the spate of development kicked off by Kramer’s high profile investments, South Pointe was known as a high-crime poverty-stricken area. It is now a hot living destination for the wealthy. Condominium units in the upscale high rises sell for millions, and South Pointe is home to the tallest buildings south of Manhattan. The development has changed the area in a pedestrian-friendly, low crime neighborhood.
Thomas began to invest his money in stock options while he was still at school, making his first million DM at the age of 17. After completing his schooling, Thomas studied at the Johann von Goethe University in Frankfurt and later at Harvard University. At the beginning of the 1980s, he worked
as a trader in New York and successfully predicted one of the biggest stock market crashes of all times in 1987.
Thomas is a noted philanthropist and the Thomas Kramer Foundation has supported many local and international charities donating millions of dollars to aid organisations such as: Make-A-Wish, Kristi House or Red Cross.
He has donated the use of his former Star Island estate for charity events like the “Give a Lift for Paralysis Benefit” gala. Thomas nowadays resides in Dubai, UAE.
Throughout his career, Joe has advised the tech and finance sector on growth strategy, investment
banking, and corporate development. Clients have included entrepreneurs, UHNW, real estate
developers, private equity firms, family offices, sovereigns, REITS, hedge funds, CXOs and their Boards.
In addition to North America, he has in-country o
Throughout his career, Joe has advised the tech and finance sector on growth strategy, investment
banking, and corporate development. Clients have included entrepreneurs, UHNW, real estate
developers, private equity firms, family offices, sovereigns, REITS, hedge funds, CXOs and their Boards.
In addition to North America, he has in-country operating experience throughout Europe, Asia and the
In the life sciences and healthcare verticals, Joe has advised the entire growth cycle, from start-up to
IPO. He was both an operator and funder as lead Managing Director of an early-stage tech fund focused
on merging life sciences and information technology. He has advised IT related tech firms on capital
structure and M&A exit strategies generating dozens of liquidity events and billions in shareholder
value. He has extensive DeFi and DeSci expertise across Layer 0, 1 & 2 chains and their protocols.
Early in his career, he advised on international technology transfer policy to the Department of the
Navy; conducted foreign technology assessments for Los Alamos Labs, and served as technology policy
liaison for several Executive Branch entities. He also played a small part in moving the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) through Congress for Senator Dole.
About KWAN 2.0 Utility Token
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